Grammar has always been an integral part of language study. The Paninian Grammar is considered as one of the greatest production of the human mind. Sanskrit grammar is studied on the comparative basis in the light of allied Indo-European languages. Nowadays the importance of Sanskrit education has increased a lot. The knowledge of Vyakrana is important to understand Sanskrit literature. Sophistication in rituals and behavior is possible only from Indian Scriptures.
Vyakarana Department of Maharshi Panini Sanskrit Evam Vedic Vishwavidyalaya was established on 27.06.2023. The department holds several graduate, postgraduate and diploma courses in Vyakrana and other allied subjects. There are scholarly teachers who teach the subject in an interesting manner.
Navya Vyakarana
The Sanskrit Grammar is mainly divided in to two parts i.e. Prachin Vyakrana and Navya Vyakarana. In our university Department of Vyakarana has both streams. In the stream of Navya Vyakarana books like Vaiyakarana Siddhant Kaumudi, Laghushabdendushekhara, Praudh Manorma, Paribhashendushekhara etc. are included for the Methodology of the subject. For knowledge of Philosophical Grammar books like Vaiyakaranbhushansara, Vakyapadiya , Paramlaghu Manjusha etc. are subscribed in the syllabus for the knowledge enhancement of the students.
Prachina Vyakarana
The Sanskrit Grammar is mainly divided in to two parts i.e. Prachin Vyakrana and Navya Vyakarana. In our university Department of Vyakarana has both streams. The Stream of Prchin Vyakarana consists of Padchheda, Anuvritti, Padkritya etc. that deals with every minute aspect of the subject including with the justifications. It immensely emphasis on the teaching of the great book (Grantha) Ashtadhyayi of Acharya Panini, Mahabhashya of Acharya Patanjali and Kashika of Vamana & Jayaditya for the students of graduation and post-graduation.
॥तत्त्वावबोधः शब्दानां नास्ति व्याकरणादृते॥ (वाक्यपदीयम् - 1.13)
(There is no understanding of the truth about words without grammar.)
|| वाग्वैब्रह्म || (बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् - 1.3.21)
(Translation- Pure Speech is Supreme)
- Worldwide publicity and dissemination of Indian Knowledge Systems.
- Promotion of Indian Culture on a global scale.
- Highlighting the scientific thought processes of Indian Gurus.
- Establishment and recognition of India's intellectual heritage globally.
॥द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये परा चैवापरा चेति॥ (मुण्डकोपनिषत् - १.१.४)
(Paravidya and Aparavidya - This is how knowledge should be acquired)
- Study of philosophical subjects based on Indian knowledge traditions.
- Integration of interdisciplinary subjects with Indian philosophy.
- Emphasis on experimentation and continuous exploration.
- Encouragement of innovative approaches in knowledge and learning.
To make the students aware of the great tradition contained in grammar.
Acquaint the students with the scientific knowledge of grammar.
Developing student’s confidence in Shastrartha.
Promoting research in Vyakarana.
Understanding the techniques of Shabdabodha system in grammatical tradition.
Students will be decipher manuscripts.
Several students who are keen in pursuing Research work in the field of grammar are doing their Ph.D. courses under the guidance and supervision of the teachers in the department. Teachers firmly believe that the research students must remain updated to compete with the global trends. Therefore various training programmes and seminars based on research methodology are organised by the Department to support researchers to prepare their research article and present and publish them.
The department besides being inculcating the quality education has also been giving ample of opportunities not only for the students of the university but also for the pupil from outside to join Sanskrit Speaking Course and Sanskrit Journalism & Advanced Sanskrit Journalism Course. These courses are being successfully conducted by the teachers of the department.
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Dwivedi (H.O.D.)
Department email-