Year | Name of the workshop/ seminar | Number of Participants | Date | Link |
1. | लोककल्याण के लिए योग | 50 | 11-11-2022- & | CLICK |
2. | त्राटक अभ्यास कार्यशाला | 60 | 01-10-2024 | CLICK |
3. | ध्यान एवं मंत्र योग शिविर | 60 | 26-29.09.2024 | CLICK |
4. | प्रेस नोट | 50 | 21.06.2018 | CLICK |
2. sports and cultural events / competitions
Date of event | Name of the event/competition | Link |
29.12.2017 | योग प्रतियोगिता स्वर्ण पदक | CLICK |
3.collaborative activities with other institutions/ research establishments/industry
Title of the collaborative activity | Name of the collaborating agency with contact details | Year |
4. financial support to attend conferences / workshops
Year | Name of the teacher | Name of conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided | Name of the professional body for which membership fee provided | Amount of support (in INR) |